What is Neurology
A physician who has a specialty in neurology is named a neurologist. A neurologist treats ailments related to the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord e.g. stroke, multiple sclerosis and demyelinating diseases.
While most people associate neurology with the brain, it is actually a branch of medicine that deals with the nerves and nervous system. While the brain is a major part of the nervous system, a neurologist takes care of so much more.
Problems in the head, neck and back can be worrying and disruptive of daily activities including work, school, family or social life. From headaches or migraines to more serious conditions such as epilepsy or fits, strokes or brain tumours, our neurologists work in tandem with other specialties such as neurosurgeons, neuro-radiologists, neuro-rehabilitation therapists to offer a comprehensive treatment modality. Once your condition is correctly identified, our trained consultant will discuss the various treatment options available and guide you through the entire treatment process.
- Headaches and migraines
- Epilepsy
- Vascular diseases of the brain (eg stroke)
- Movement disorders
- Neuromuscular disease
- Back and neck pain
- Disorders of the spine
- Brain tumours
Women's Health
ENT, Head and Neck Laser Surgery
Meet Our Neurology Specialists
Get to know our specialists here at Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara.